Summary Report
Infection Prevention and Control Practitioners working behind the scenes, ensure healthcare environments remain safe and free from the threat of infections. At the heart of their mission lies the Education Framework for the Infection Prevention and Control Practitioner Workforce, a beacon of guidance and excellence. The Education Framework for the Infection Prevention and Control Practitioner Workforce is an official document that sets standards and identifies learning outcomes for the professional development and growth of the IPC practitioner workforce in England. It is a roadmap towards knowledge and skills acquisition that forms the very foundation of safeguarding public health.
Purpose of Framework
The purpose of this framework is to provide guidance for IPC practitioners, and it is designed to support the sustainability and growth of the IPC workforce and facilitate the professional development of staff within IPC services. The framework aims to provide insight into what characteristics are required to work at each level of practice and does not mandate roles or specific jobs, nor does it suggest the amount of remuneration or terms and conditions that may be associated with jobs or roles.
Basic Structure of Framework
The framework is structured into three components: Levels of practice for IPC professionals, identified domains, and outcomes for practice.
Levels of Practice
The levels of practice for IPC professionals are divided into four levels: Foundation, Practitioner, Specialist, and Consultant. Each level is associated with a set of competencies and learning outcomes, and IPC practitioners are expected to progress through the levels as they gain experience and expertise.
Domains of Framework
The identified domains in the framework are divided into four domains:
Domain 1: Clinical Practice.
Domain 2: Quality Improvement, research, and safety.
Domain 3: Leadership and Management.
Domain 4: Education and Development
Each domain is further divided into subdomains, and each subdomain contains a set of learning outcomes that IPC practitioners should achieve.
Clinical Practice
It focuses on the core knowledge and skills required for IPC practice, including the principles of infection prevention and control, the use of personal protective equipment, and the management of outbreaks.
Leadership & Management
It focuses on leadership and management skills, including the ability to develop and implement IPC policies and procedures, manage resources, and lead teams.
Education & Development
It focuses on education and development, including the ability to design and deliver IPC training programs, mentor and support colleagues, and engage in continuing professional development.
Quality Improvement, Research & Safety
It focuses on research and development, including the ability to conduct research, evaluate IPC interventions, and contribute to the development of IPC policies and guidelines.
Outcomes of Practice
The outcomes for practice in the Education Framework for the Infection Prevention and Control Practitioner Workforce are designed to articulate the knowledge, skills, and behaviours that IPC practitioners should demonstrate to provide safe and effective IPC care delivery. These outcomes are written at a relatively high level to allow for contextualization to suit the environment of care in which the service operates and the many roles it utilizes.
Hence, the Education Framework for the Infection Prevention and Control Practitioner Workforce is a comprehensive document that provides guidance for IPC practitioners in England. By following the learning outcomes and competencies outlined in this framework, IPC practitioners can develop the knowledge and skills required to provide high-quality infection prevention and control services.
England, N. (n.d.). NHS England » Education Framework for the Infection Prevention and Control Practitioner (IPC) workforce.